Abstract :
Ideal weight is the dream of every human being young or old , because both in terms of physical appearance and in terms of health . Especially young people who crave more because the physical appearance ideal weight would be more interesting . Type ultrasonic distance sensor HC - SR04 can be used to measure the distance of an object with other objects around it . This sensor can measure the distance to a radius of 2 cm to 450 cm . Heavy load cell sensor is used to measure weight . The output signal from the load cell , a voltage , which is connected to the operational amplifier configured as an instrumentation amplifier using AD620 IC . The output of the instrumentation amplifier to process the data further into the Arduino . Determination of ideal weight based on body mass index ( BMI ) is the ratio between height with body beat . In this final project , the detection status is divided into four , namely the status of Fat , Ideal , thin , and very thin . The use 16x4 LCD display outputs can be added as a result of measurement sensors and sensor HC - SR04 heavy load cell . In addition , by adding components as an alarm LED for each condition. Height measurement using ultrasonic sensors HC - SR04 can measure the percentage Up to 174 cm with a 100 % accuracy rate (maximum limit difference height 1 cm). As for Weight measurement using digital scales can measure Up to 104 cm with a 100 % accuracy rate percentage (maximum limit difference weight 1 kg).
Keywords : HC - SR04 sensor , Arduino UNO , heavy load cell sensor , LCD 16x4 , Body Mass index.