Perencanaan desain jaringan FTTH dengan metode Survey Micro Demand untuk wilayah Grogol di PT. Telkom Akses Solo menggunakan aplikasi google earth dan KMLCSV converter
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Dani, Purwanto
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-23 02:54:36 
Abstract :
Telecommunications technology developed at this time a lot of fiber optic-based that uses light to transmit data information. One of the fiber local access network configuration is the configuration of Fiber To The Home (FTTH). In this thesis done FTTH network design planning in Sub Telukan Grogol, Solo with a survey micro demand method using google earth applications and KMLCSV Converter. Network design was created with the aim to be able to become an alternative access technology from the central toward customers. The initial phase is to conduct a survey conducted passes to get the data such as home address, home criteria and home phone subscription status or not. Survey data inputted into the google earth application and named in accordance with applicable regulations. Then determine the required tools and materials such as STO, ODC, ODP, feeder cable, distribution cable and drop cable to the distribution network of the central can get to the ideal as possible to the customer. Calculating the link budget to determine the total value of attenuation resulting from STO towards customers. Required material set forth in the Bill of Quantity table to facilitate the determination of the amount needed. Keywords: Fiber Optics, FTTH, Survey on demand, Network Design, Link Budget, BOQ Table 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto