Abstract :
Flooding can actually be said to be a common natural phenomenon as almost all countries
and even routine ever experienced, including Indonesia. However, in such a scale of
flooding has also been categorized as a major disaster because of casualties is not small.
The impact of flooding is generally detrimental to society because it can harm the
environment, among others: the destruction of settlements, damage to facilities and
prasaranya population (including tersportasi land), the difficulty of access to clean water,
and the incidence of various diseases (because of dirty environments during and after the
flood). To find out more quickly flood, we need a water level monitoring system. The
purpose of this study was to create a system of monitoring water levels dioprasikan easy
and effective way to detect datngnya floods. The system uses an Arduino Uno R3
Microcontroller with ultrasonic sensors as the height of water level detection and Servics
Short Message (SMS) as the height of the water level report and use traditional
programming languages C arduino. From the analysis and testing can be concluded that
the height of the water level monitoring system uses ultrasonic sensors to sms as media
communication based arduino, working in realtime sesuaia with the conditions determined
by the response of less than a second reading, the average - average error ultrasonic
sensor reading 0 , 10 to 0.91 percent and the average speed - average delivery of messages
to the device is 2 seconds. In addition, the system is also equipped with an LCD and LED
indicator lights and wavecom modem for sending SMS from the system.
Keywords: Water Elevation Monitoring System, Ultrasonic Sensors, Arduino, LCD, lED,
Modem Wavecom