Pemanfaatan teknologi VoIP berbasis ubuntu server untuk membangun sistem telekomunikasi internal dengan menggunakan aplikasi free PABX sebagai user interface
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Fathul, Azis
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-22 01:51:37 
Abstract :
Advance in comunications technology has evolved very rapidly and have become the primary needs are very important in suporting the activities of Indonesia society. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), also known as IP Telephony is technology delivering voice (voice) through the internet network. Communication or images (video). Exploiting VoIP technology is implemented to building a system of internal communication in the campus environment AKATEL using open source software such as the operating system Ubuntu 11.10, softswitch server Asterisk, FreePBX apications and softphone X-Lite. Implementation of VoIP communication system on the campus of AKATEL by using star topology can be expected to facilitate communication between existing workspaces in the camus environtment. VoIP communication systems using Asterisk FreePBX server application as a user interface in system settings such as monitoring network conditions, seting user extensions and update module application can be done by adjusting the parameters that have been registered on the server fo the puposes of user authentication credentials so that the client can initiate calls on VoIP communications network in campus environment AKATEL. Bandwith usage is required to serve two users in performing communication, on average can required bandwith approx.. 20 KB/s, the signal transmit 20,72 kbit/s and a menu FreePABX. The use of the network a local Area Network (LAN) using wireline or wireless media transmission have varying bandwith of 100 mb/s (12.5MB/s) communication can serve simultaneously (at the same time) wit the maximum number of connections 625 calls, While VoIP system that uses a wireless transmission as a medium has its 54 Mb/p bandwith (6.75 MB/s) communication can serve simultaneously with the maximum number of connections 337 calls keyword : Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Server, Voice 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto