Abstract :
The expansion of telecommunication technolog is so fast, where the
telecommunication needs is not voice service only but include the data and video service
which need the large bandwidth and the hight speed data transfer.while the capacity of the
cooper cable is limited.becouse of the bandwidth of cooper cable is 4 Mbps only,so the
telecommunication developer need to doing modernization of the network where the
cooper cable has changed by fiber optic cable.the fiber optic cable have a large bandwidth
which is more or less than 100 Mbps. there are three Method to finishing this final project.
which is Observation method, Interview Method and Experiment method. Fiber To The X
(FTTx) Network designed by three Configuration, which is 1:32, 1:4-1:8 dan 1:2-1:16. The
average of Loss link budget for boundary with the total homepass 404 Hp designed by
three configuration which is 1:32, 1:4-1:8 dan 1:2-1:16 appropriate with Loss tolerance.
Every configuration in boundary which have 404 homepass have different requirement,
especially distribution cable, ODP and drop cable. Configuration 1:32 need 2,91 km
distribution cabel, 55 ODP with capacity 8 core and 40.400 m drop cable. Configuration
1:4 dan 1:8 need 2,97 km Distribution cable, 55 ODP with capacity 8 core dan 40.400 m
drop cable. Configuration 1:2 dan 1:16 need 1,85 km Distribution Cable, 42 ODP with
capacity 16 Core and 40.400 m drop cable. The right Configuration for Fiber To The X
(FTTx) network in STO Majapahit area is 1:2-1:16 because that configuration is suitable
with homepass location which the population crowded and concentrate.
Key Word : Fiber Optic, Cooper cable, Fiber to The X (FTTx) network, Link Budget,
BoQ, STO, Passive Splitter