Abstract :
Dyslexia is defined as a form of difficulty in learning to read, the incompatibility between the reading with its general or intellectual potential. Currently dyslexia is also defined as difficulty in solving a symbol or code, including phonological processes or pronunciations. [1] The way to detect the onset of dyslexic disease is not difficult. By matching the specific criteria of dyslexia symptoms with the child to be examined. The criteria used were data from interviews with psychologists based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder-IV (DSM-IV). With many features of dyslexia will be less effective if done matching maual. One alternative solution to overcome the problem is to create a simulation application calculation by applying the method TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similiarity to Ideal Solution) on the process of diagnosis of dyslexia. TOPSIS stands for Tehnique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution. TOPSIS is a method that uses the principle that the chosen alternative must have the shortest distance from the ideal ideal solution and furthest from the ideal negative solution.
Keywords : Dyslexia, TOPSIS