Abstract :
Academic Information System represent the information system which data process and the process of academik activity entangling student, supervisor, administration of academic finance and data supporter other. But, until now, the academic information system of STT Telematika Telkom none specially developed for mobile based.
The object research taken by the author is Academic Information System on the STT Telematika Telkom, given the integrated information system not yet been developed in STT Telematika Telkom. This has led the author to the resesarch ?Communication Data Client Server of Application System Based Android Case Study Information System Academic STT Telematika Telkom?.
The purpose of this paper is comprehending process of the happening data communications between user which personating client deliver the request data to server through protocol of network Open System Information (OSI) layer and server will process the request from client and deliver to return the respon request to client so that client can access the request at syystem of academic application based android on the STT Telematika Telkom Purwokerto. In developing this system the author uses the Java programming language. while the data base used is MySQL. Systems development methodology that I use is a Waterfall methodology consisted of several stages: analysis, system design and software, coding program, examination programn, and operation/maintenance. In the process of data collection methods the writer uses observation, interviews, and literature. As for the output that would result from the development of this system is the Android-based applications.
This research results an application that can be used to access academic information, such as student data, class schedules, study plan card, study card, and transcript of grades.
Keyword : Academic Information, Android, Data Communications, Open System Information (OSI) layer, Client Server