Penerapan metode Analytic Network Process (ANP) untuk pendukung keputusan pemilihan topik tugas akhir
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Dila, Nurlaila
T Technology (General) 
2018-01-18 04:18:23 
Abstract :
Based on the result of a survey conducted on 30 informatics students who will take the final project, more than 80% of respondents do not have the topic of their final project. And this matter is the attention for informatics department. There are still many informatics students who do not know, what final project topics will be taken according to interest and competence. Based on these facts,this research present. By applying the ANP method, this research will help students to select the appropriate topic of the final project. The purpose of this research is to determine the level of success of the ANP method in overcoming the problem of students who don't know the topic of the thesis is to be taken. The first step determining criteria that become determinant of selection of final project topic in Informatics departments with the criteria used are Course Value, Competency Value, and Specialization Value. This criteria will be made decision network using super decision software, and each criteria will be pairwise comparison in order to get the weighting of each criteria and sub criteria. After doing the test by comparing the choice manually with the choice based on ANP calculation. The result is 46,6% the final assignment theme of student accordingly and accurate, 53,4% loss of accuracy due to the incompatibility of the student's answer when determining the value of specialization. Keywords; Analytic Network Process, Topic of Final Project, Decision Support System 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto