Perangkat pengukur kelembaban udara pada tanaman jamur tiram dengan pelaporan SMS secara waktu nyata
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Ida, Fitriana
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-23 04:52:01 
Abstract :
A study was conducted to determine the result of the humidity and temperature of the plant oyster mushrooms. DHT22 is a tool used to measure and determine the humidity and the temperature on the plant. On this occasion the author using oyster mushroom crop. If the plant is less humid or less of temperature and humidity that has been determined, then the sensor will automatically provide the reporting form of SMS (Short Message Service) to farmers. DHT22 sensor can not bekarja own, there are some components that can help the process works like an Arduino UNO, an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), Modem Wavecom, and Mobile Receiver. In making this tool is used to control the Arduino UNO DHT22 sensor, when the sensor has been installed it will automatically work to detect the temperature and humidity. In addition, the Arduino UNO will perform data processing that has been transmitted by the sensor DHT22, after the results of the measurement as well as temperature and humidity data processing will be displayed to the LCD. On the LCD can be seen whether the results of the measurement meets the requirements or not. If the temperature and humidity were shown not to meet the requirements of the Arduino UNO will perform data processing that is then sent to the Wavecom modem, then the modem will transmit information such as SMS reporting that will be accepted by the Mobile Receiver is the mushroom growers. From the test results obtained value of the temperature and humidity measurement accuracy between the sensors DHT22 with Analog Thermohygrometer sensor, for temperature sensors DHT22 results obtained by 28,7ºC while at 29,4ºC with Thermohygrometer sensor error value by 3% with the difference of the two devices for 0,6ºC. The results obtained for moisture sensor DHT22 71.9% while the sensor Thermohygrometer obtained by 72.6% by value of error of 1% and the difference between the value of both devices by 0.6%. . Keyword : DHT22 sensors, Arduino UNO, LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), wavecom modem 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto