Abstract :
For car users, parking activity is a routine activity. But along with the economic development, making the number of vehicles become more and more are made into a narrow parking area. This makes the car driver had difficulty to park the car. As a result, many car users experiencing friction with another object or vehicle around the parking area. The cause is the driver not knowing the condition of the vehicle behind because of limited sight. On the basis of these issues in this final project conducted to assist the driver in order to park the car safely even on a narrow site. The ultrasonic distance sensor type HC-SR04 can be used to measure the distance of an object with other objects around it. This sensor can measure the distance to a radius of 2cm to 450cm. By using Arduino UNO can maximize the function of the sensor HC-SR04 as a tool parking. Arduino UNO is used as the brain of the car parking tools in this final project. The use of the LCD can be added as an output display of measurement results using the distance sensor HC-SR04. In addition, by adding components as the combination LED and Buzzer alarm function can be a warning to the driver of the car at the distance of parking too close to other objects in the vicinity. LED and Buzzer is an electronic component that is used as an output. LED can be producing light while the buzzer can be produce the sound. So expect of distance measurement by sensor HC-SR04 which is then processed by an Arduino UNO can be produce distances on the LCD display and activate the alarm function of the LED and Buzzer.
Keywords : Sensor HC-SR04, Arduino UNO, LCD, LED, Buzzer, Parking tools system