Pemanfaatan jaringan WIFI pada aplikasi pengontrolan data inventaris barang di handphone berbasis android
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Miftahul, M
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-23 04:57:00 
Abstract :
Admin input items inventory data in the Computer Laboratory of ST3 Telkom still done manually. It takes a long time, because it made the software that will help the admin to enter , edit or delete the data in the database using the controlling items inventory data applications in android mobile by utilizing the Wi-Fi network used the concept of client / server . Making an application used waterfall methodology with five stages, namely the definition of requirements , system and software design , implementation and testing of the unit , integration and system testing , and operation and maintenance . The way it works is that the application is connected to a central database that takes the ID of each field so it can be displayed in the application in the form of a list, that can controlling such as the addition of data , data deletion and editing data. This Application speeding up the admin to input data for 35.15 % of the average time required to input data manually. Keywords : Wi-Fi, Client/Server, Android , Java , Database , Eclipse . 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto