Abstract :
At some institutions or companies, monitoring generator sets are still done manually so that, a tool that can monitor the generator set automatically. This is because the generator manually monitoring less effective and less efficient both in power or time. On the basis of these problems the author makes a prototype generator set monitoring using SMS report, this study was conducted to assist in the monitoring of generator set automatically. Voltage sensors can be used to detect the voltage of the State Electricity Company (PLN) or from a generator set. By using arduino uno can maximize the function of the voltage sensor inputs, while the arduino uno used as a prototype monitoring program Ptak's generator sets. Use IC 74LS04 is intended as a replacement generator sets, and modem wavecom used to send sms report. When the voltage sensor detects the voltage of the State Electricity Company (PLN) and did not detect the voltage of the generator set, then sent an SMS report containing conditions the State Electricity Company (PLN) is lit, when the voltage sensor does not detect the voltage of the State Electricity Company (PLN) and detects the voltage of the generator set, then sent an sMS report containing conditions the State Electricity Company (PLN) outages and generator set is on. And when the voltage sensor does not detect the voltage of the State Electricity Company (PLN) and did not detect the voltage of the generator set, then sent an SMS report containing conditions the State Electricity Company (PLN) goes out and the generator set is not lit, which means there is an error or damage to the generator set.
Key Words : Generator Set, Arduino UNO, Voltage Sensor, SMS.