Analisis performansi wordwide interoperability for microwafe access (WIMAX) pada jaringan mobile dan fixed
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Natalius, Brahmana
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-23 04:58:53 
Abstract :
This thesis discusses the performance analysis of Worldwide Interoperability For Microwave Access (WIMAX) mobile andfixed network. The type of research used by simulating a WIMAX network in the software OPNET Modeler 14.5. Research done by making two WIMAX network which will note the type of network that is most flattering. The device used was among other MS, BSC, IP Cloud, WIMAX Application Config, WIMAX Config and Profile Server. Applications are examined among other things is a Video and Voice output and output the analyzed i.e. packet delay Variation, packet loss and Delay. The result of delay variation on the scenario 1 amounting to1.41 ms, at scenario 2 of 1.9 ms, in scenario 3 of 3.5 ms on scenarios 4 of 1.5 ms, inscenario 5 of 1.58 ms and in scenario 6 of 3.9 ms. results from end to end delay onscenario 1 of 248 ms.. scenario 2 of 255 msin scenario 3 of 274 ms on scenarios 4of 250 ms, in scenario 5 of 251 ms and in scenario 6 of 338 p. whereas a result of packet loss scenario 1 i.e. 0.0705 %, at scenario 2 of 0.083124%, in scenario 3of 0.175607% in Scenario 4 of 0.018431%, in 5% 0.01826 of scenarios and scenario 6of 0.083666%. Keywords: WIMAX, MS, BSC, IP Cloud, WIMAX Config, Application config, Profile Config, Server.a 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto