Pengujian ketahanan website menggunakan framework ISSAF dan OWASP
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Hendra Ramadhan, Ramadhan
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-22 04:32:07 
Abstract :
The website based application cannot be released from the security disruption that can be used by cyber crime criminal. These manipulation can disturb and harm the side of agencies as PT. PLN (persero). The risk that will be faced if website http://transjbtb. is hacked is it can disturb the business process on PT PLN and the cyber crime criminal can change the data or delete the data that appeared on web page, especially on employee’s statistic data. In order to identify a security gaps, we use a Framework ISSAF and OWASP by using tool W3AF. From the testing result that has been done, we found several gaps that can disturb web security. From the gap that has been founds, there were no permissions for doing a maintenance. The result of this research is a maintenance recommendation about the gap that had been found during testing session. it can be referenced for raising a web quality by using a WordPress plugin as needs and it proved that it’s free from malware. Besides, the page that can be accessed by public cannot show the information such as Private IP and it should use cloud hosting as a server to avoid malware and hacker. Keyword :ISSAF, OWASP, W3AF 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto