Analisis interferensi link gelombang mikro pada daerah urban dan rural menggunakan software pathloss 5.0
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Evi, Oktaviasari
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-25 12:59:20 
Abstract :
Microwave communications network planning needed network who have the reliability of a system that works optimally in providing service. But there are times when network reliability does not work optimally, one of the factors is the interference. Therefore it is necessary to check interference on the transmission network to analyze the interference and optimization to eliminate it. To know this then do the simulation of network design using software Pathloss 5.0. This research was conducted on a network located in the urban area that occurred in the case of interference link hop Pluit Karang Barat-Kuningan Barat-Condet, and on the transmission network is in the rural case interference happens on the links hop Cibadak-Cibolangkaler-Sukabumi. The interference that occurs causes a decline in availability. Urban areas decline in availability of 0.00313%, and in areas of rural decline of 0.00014% availability. There are several methods used to eliminate interference cases by replacing the sub band, changing the antenna polarization, and adding power on the network. By using a different subband on the network, there was an increase in availability by 0.00313% in urban areas, while in rural areas there was an increase in availability by 0.00007%. In the method using one channel (using the same subband) by changing the polarization there is no increase in availability while when replacing power there is an increase in availability of 0.00198% in urban areas and 0.00002% in rural areas. Keywords: Microwave, Interference, Pathloss 5.0,Availability 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto