Sistem penentuan zis pada golongan miskin menggunakan metode analytical hierarchy process berbasis website (studi kasus di masjid thoriqotul jannah)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Annisa, Sabrina
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-21 06:26:24 
Abstract :
Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah (ZIS) are mandatory for Muslims. Zakat, infaq and sadaqah have the same core discussion, which is to spend wealth in the way of Allah. The Thoriqotul Jannah Mosque is a mosque that has a ZIS program that aims to help local residents who are less fortunate. Success in fundraising alone will not achieve the goal if the distribution of ZIS is not managed professionally. Fundraising at the Thoriqotul Jannah Mosque is still done manually by writing data in and out using books. According to the head of DKM (Mosque Prosperity Council) Thoriqotul Jannah, it can lead to errors in the selection of data allowing subjectivity to emerge. Based on these problems need to be made a decision support system that has the ability to manage prospective mustahik data and determine mustahik based on the website. This study uses the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method to determine the priority mustahik so that it is eligible to receive ZIS. The details of the analysis of the application of the website-based AHP method can determine the mustahik that is eligible for ZIS based on the test results can be obtained that the system can determine the proper mustahik. One of the conclusions is that the ZIS mustahik determination system produces some information about the mustahik who have received proper zakat. Keywords: Analytic Hierarchy Process, ZIS, Website. 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto