Penerapan algoritma dijkstra untuk pencarian rute terpendek wisata air terjun di kabupaten banyumas berbasis web
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Hanif, Muslim Azhar
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-22 01:30:22 
Abstract :
The area of Banyumas Regency is around 1,327.60 km2 or equivalent to 132,759.56 ha. Banyumas Regency is located on the slope of Mount Slamet, which is the highest mountain in Central Java, and the second highest on the island of Java after Mount Semeru. Because it is bordered by Mount Slamet, this district has many beautiful objects in the form of waterfalls or commonly called curug. There are several waterfalls in Banyumas Regency such as Curug Telu, Curug Bayan, Curug Ceheng, Curant Penganten, Curug Cipendok and many more, but there are still many people and tourists who do not know the information about waterfall tourism and access the fastest way to the waterfall, because the access road to the waterfall usually passes through remote villages. Dijkstra's algorithm is an algorithm that has been widely used to solve the shortest route search. Dijkstra's algorithm has a search stage that starts from a point whose weight is from the smallest point, in this system the Dijkstra algorithm is applied with the PHP programming language. The system development methodology used in this study is the Waterfall method. Website development using Laravel web server, PHP and HTML programming languages and MySQL database. The map that is displayed uses Leaflets. The results of this study are geographic information on waterfall tourism in Banyumas Regency and map of the shortest route to waterfall tourism using the Dijkstra algorithm. Keywords : dijkstra algorithm, efficient, geographic information system, shortest route, mapping 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto