Perancangan dan simulasi antena hustler g7 pada band frekuensi 144 mhz untuk komunikasi radio
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Noormalita, Retno Utami
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-22 01:36:54 
Abstract :
Indonesia is a country that is involved by the Pacific Ring of Fire and is located on three continental plates colliding, namely Indo-Australia from the south, Eurasia from the north, and the Pacific from the east. Geographical conditions make Indonesia a country prone to natural disasters. Natural disasters occur that cause communication lines to be cut off in certain areas. The wide range of disaster areas and post-disaster areas makes it difficult for SAR officers or volunteers to communicate in evacuating victims using HT (Handy Talky). To delay this problem, we need an antenna that has a long transmission distance so that the communication area is quite wide. This antenna is designed to overcome this problem by doing silver plating of the coil loading so that the antenna radiating distance is farther away. In this study a 3 x 5/8 month antenna was designed with a working frequency of 144 MHz which has a wide emission distance by loading coil using silver. Using MMANA-GAL software, the performance of this antenna can be adjusted to the parameter values according to specifications. Before the optimization of the antenna parameters VSWR 1.2, 7.15 dB gain, 52 ohm impedance and 2.60 MHz bandwidth. While the results of the parameters after optimization are VSWR 1.2, gain 8.15, impedance 45 ohms, bandwidth 2.80 MHz. The measurement results of this antenna parameter are not too large, but when testing the Hustler G7 antenna loading the copper coil has a distance of 2.5 Km and loading silver coil increases to 4 Km trusting the fuel loading coil increases. Keywords: Hustler G7 antenna, transmission distance, HT (Handy Talky), MMANAGAL 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto