Pemodelan kanal 5g kota yogyakarta menggunakan metode statistical spatial channel model di bawah pengaruh tekanan udara
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Serli, Ridho Yuliani
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-22 01:40:15 
Abstract :
The need of using telecommunications networks is driving develop to increasing a cellular technology. Cellular technology has reached the fifth-generation (5G) which is expected to be launched in 2020. 5G technology is predicted to use high frequencies, where high frequencies present a new challenge namely wave propagation attenuation problems that are affected by natural conditions such as barometric, rain rate, humidity, and vegetation density. Differences from the shape of the earth's contours and natural conditions in each region requires research to find the most appropriate channel model to be used in the region.The channel model is obtained based on the representative value of Power Delay Profile (PDP) simulation results using the NYUSIM channel simulator. The frequency used is 28 GHz with a scenario under the influence of minimum and maximum barometric using environment parameters based on the city of Yogyakarta. PDP value is used to calculate the outage probability of channel capacity (C) is smaller than the coding rate (R) so that it indicates a failure of detection at the receiver based on the shannon theory. Outage probability is obtained by the cumulative distribution function of the capacity evaluated against the coding rate. Outage probability result in both scenarios are able to reach a point of 10-4, for coding rate ½ in both scenarios it needs 17.649883 dB, for coding rate ¾ in both scenarios it needs 20.020953 dB, and for coding rate 1 in both scenarios is 22 dB. Judging from these results it shows that there is no difference between the minimum air pressure and maximum air pressure scenarios due to the difference in the value of the environment parameter between the minimum air pressure and the maximum air pressure in the Yogyakarta area which is not too large at 8 mBar. Keyword : 5G, Channel Model, Power Delay Profile, Outage Probability 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto