Komparasi metode simple additive weighting dan metode weighted product dalam sistem pendukung keputusan pemilihan perbaikan jalan
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Ayu, Rakhmawati Kusumaningtyas
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-23 04:58:08 
Abstract :
The road is the ground transportation infrastructure that includes all the parts of the road are very important in the streamline all activities of society. But if there is damage to the road will result in obstruction of the activities of the community and can crash for users of the road. Public Works Agency Kab. Purbalingga doing roadwork were still based on the decision of the existence of a community complaint against damaged roads. Resulting in the management of the road is not good, sometimes the road repair activities should be stopped because there are other avenues of complaint are broken by the community. This research was conducted to help thepublic works agency Kab. Purbalingga in determining the priority of road repair using a decision support system with Simple Additive Weighting method and the Weighted Product method. After the results of the calculations using the method 2 results obtained accuracy with 3 experts in the expert. For the accuracy of the results obtained by SAW method 77,78% WP method and accuracy obtained results of 66,65%. Keyword : Simple Additive Weighting, decision suport system, weighted product. 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto