Analisis dan perancangan sistem otomatisasi smart home berbasis real time clock dan internet of things
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Taufik, Hidayat
T201 Patents. Trademarks 
2021-04-26 07:44:35 
Abstract :
Smart home automation systems are generally developed with the concept of an internet-connected (online) system, which is a condition in which smart home building devices are connected to the internet. But when the internet connection is lost (offline). the automation system cannot be used, so there needs to be a system that can automate. devices in online conditions via the internet with the IoT concept (Internet of Things) use the MQTT protocol, and can automate devices in an offline state using RTC (Real Time Clock). By using the main NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller. The performance of the MQTT protocol to be measured in this system is the QoS level 0, 1 and 2 parameters and measuring the time accuracy of RTC (Real Time Clock) with NTP Server. Based on testing the results of performance measurement levels QoS 0, QoS 1 and QoS 2 obtained the best average throughput with a value of 115.9352 bps, on the measurement of level 0 QoS, and the best average delay with a value of 4432.5 ms, the measurement of QoS level 0. measurement results packet loss obtained 0% packet loss, because the system testing is only to send commands or messages, without sending data. Comparison of the results of the Quality of Service test level of the MQTT protocol as a whole obtained the best average results using QoS level 0. From testing the QOS MQTT level obtained the value of delay is inversely proportional to the throughput value, the greater the throughput value obtained, the delay value will decrease. DS3231 RTC time accuracy results with NTP Server time, obtained 1 second difference, RTC time is 1 second faster than the time from the NTP Server. Keywords: Internet of Things, Smart Home, MQTT, NodeMCU, RTC, Throughput, Delay, Packet Loss. 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto