Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Dan Monitoring Smart Aquarium Berbasis Internet Of Things (IOT)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
T Technology (General) 
2021-06-08 03:45:11 
Abstract :
Internet Internet of Things is a scientific development that is very promising to optimize life based on smart sensors and smart equipment that work together through the internet, many people want something that is instant and can help their work. Aquarium (aquarium) is a transparent container or place where collections related to life in water are stored and exhibited. Ornamental fish is a fish that is sought after by the wider community because of its unique and unique beauty, ranging from various shades, colors and shapes. Thus many problems in the treatment of ornamental fish. As in treatment The use of water for ornamental fish in aquariums must be maintained with turbidity, the impact of turbid water is very influential on the development of the fish in it as well as the physical of the fish, which is usually caused by fish droppings and fish feed. With a pump that can filter conditions against turbidity of water is a solution. The effect of light provides light and to the beauty of the aquarium is very important, so that the aquarium light control is a solution, and can save electricity. The development of fish in the aquarium also requires oxygen, oxygen is very necessary for the fish, the aerator is a solution that can later be controlled. Feed is included in a problem that can affect the growth of fish in the aquarium, so automatic fish feed is an excellent solution that will be applied later. Penetraklan temperature temperature is very necessary in the water in the fish aquarium so it needs to be considered, so that in this study provides monitoring of temperature and neutralization. Water that is acidic and wet also needs to be noticed, there are several types of fish that have sensitive to acidic and wet substances, so the PH of the water will be noticed and will be neutralized as well as keeping the fish in the aquarium. So with the smart aquarium design by providing controls on pumps, lights, fish feed, airators, and monitoring that can be monitored, namely temperature and PH. which are made with microprocessors namely Wemos D1 as a getway and Arduino Uno as a drive for aquarium. the results of testing on monitoring smart aquarium accuracy of 96 . And testing on aquarium control is 95 accuracy. However, from this study the average error presentation from the test obtained a value of 2.6 . so it can be concluded that the tools and applications that are designed can be used for controlling and monitoring objects in the aquarium with a level of accuracy in accordance with the measurement standards. Keywords: Aquarium, Arduino Uno, Control, Ornamental Fish, Internet of Things, Hydrogen Potential, Temperature, Monitoring, Microprocessor, Wemos D1 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto