Prototipe Sistem Pendingin Ruangan Adaptif Untuk Tunagrahita Berbasis IOT
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
T Technology (General) 
2021-06-08 03:41:13 
Abstract :
Technology development aims to facilitate human activities. The disabled is one of the parts that is not separated from the technological development object. The privileged are known for their socializing ability, which has spent a lot of time indoors. In order to provide the comfort of the disabled activities are made adaptive cooling system to adjust the temperature of the room with the human condition in the room. This adaptive cooling system works by comparing the human temperature and room. Human temperature measurements Use the MLX90614ESF GY-906 sensor and the DS18B20 sensor to measure room temperature. The calculation of the temperature is done by Arduino Mega 2560 as the center of the system and the use of the fuzzy logic of Tsukamoto as the basis of calculation. With 20 data obtained by the human temperature sensor is still affected by distance. The results showed that the use of Tsukamoto's fuzzy logic was effectively used as a calculation basis, so this adaptive cooling system can work well. Keywords: tunagrahita, GY-906 MLX90614ESF, DS18B20, Arduino Mega 2560, the fuzzy logic Tsukamoto 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto