Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (BISINDO) Menggunakan Augmented Reality (AR)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Meliana, Dewi
T Technology (General) 
2021-09-24 07:50:44 
Abstract :
Deaf is a disability or people with special needs who experience barriers to hearing. Deaf's inability to communicate affects language development and makes it difficult to get information. Some deaf people still use unnecessary language by moving parts of the body that show requirements or codes as a means of communication, but some people do not understand what a deaf person is saying. Therefore, a means of communication is needed for persons with disabilities and normal people who can be known so that there are no errors in communication and obtaining information. The author makes an educational application called SiLuAR (Augmented Reality Sign Language) as a teaching medium that can be used by deaf or normal people to learn sign language. This sign language learning uses the book Learning Sign Language for Basic Deaf Children (BISINDO) Indonesian Sign Language, applies Augmented Reality (AR) technology in application development, and uses the Agile Development method in the system design stage. Functionality testing is carried out in each case that is tested on each of the functionality requirements. The results of the usability test using the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire to the respondents using the SiLuAR application obtained normality test results of more than 0.05. Testing user satisfaction gets a value less than 74 which is proven when testing the One-Sample T-Test, which means that users are not satisfied with the application. Keywords: Tunarungu, Augmented Reality, BISINDO, System Usability Scale. 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto