Analisis Perencanaan Jaringan Wi-Fi Untuk Mendukung Konsep Desa Digital Di Wilayah Kota TASIKMALAYA
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Helmi, Nurseha
T Technology (General) 
2021-09-27 03:13:31 
Abstract :
The development of technology in the era makes the use of the internet as a new media and indispensable in everyday life. This development presents challenges in rural economic development. Villages are required to be able to adapt to technological advances by reducing digital disparities through the development of digital villages. Village digitization aims to develop village potential, facilitate public service and accelerate network access. In supporting its implementation, the government seeks to provide internet services by building Wi-Fi network technology infrastructure in rural areas. Therefore, in this research, Wi-Fi network planning was carried out to support the concept of digital villages in Setiajya village. Network planning is done by planning method based on coverage and capacity simulated with Atoll software. Parameters used in the simulation in this study are signal level and traffic maps. Of the two plans that have been done, based on coverage has 4 access points (APs), to be based on the capacity to have 10 access points (APs). The result of wi-fi network planning simulation based on coverage has an area of 0.338 km2 that is served with excellent signal level, while based on capacity has an area of 0.747 km2 served with an excellent signal level that has a signal level value of -70 dBm. For many users who can connect to a Wi-Fi network based on coverage get the number of users as much as 32% (total 1046 users) while based on the capacity to get the number of users as much as 59.7% (total 1916 users) who can connect to the network. From many users obtained based on coverage get a total throughput value of 75.83 Mbps, while based on the capacity get a total throughput value of 137.04 Mbps. Keywords: Digital Village, Wi-Fi, Coverage Planning, Capacity Planning, Signal Level, Throughput 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto