Analisis Konsumsi Daya Pengiriman Data Lora Pada Spreading Factor 7 Dengan Menggunakan Frekuensi 915 MHZ
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Andika, Agus Pranata
T Technology (General) 
2021-09-27 03:24:30 
Abstract :
LoRa RFM95 is a wireless telecommunication system that has a wide range of signals, low power, and has a low bitrate where this technology can be applied as an infrastructure to support wireless-based data transmission systems. In this study there are 2 LoRa modules where communication uses point to point topology, 1 module serves as transmitter module and 1 module serves as receiver. Then the use of spreading factor 7 in delivery is used so that the range of LoRa signals becomes wide. In its performance LoRa requires battery power to be able to communicate where in this LoRa test the current consumed in sending data for 1 hour averages 0.0299 A, then for the results of total Ampere hour of 0.0157 Ah, and for the results of total Watt hour of 0.0643 Wh. To know the performance of the tool by measuring parameters Qos (Quality of Service), including RSSI (Receive Signal Strength Indicator) and SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) where in the test QoS (Quality of Service) there are 3 distance comparisons that are the furthest distance used by 100 m, then 80 m and the closest distance is 50 m by sending the smallest data of 16,625 Bytes, then 27,125 Bytes , and the largest data 37 Bytes. Keywords: LoRa RFM95, Spreading Factor 7, Battery Power, Quality of Service. 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto