Analisis Unjuk Kerja Sistem DWDM Pada Jaringan Backbone Optik (Studi Kasus: JABODETABEK)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Desita, Fatika Sari
T Technology (General) 
2021-09-27 03:36:53 
Abstract :
The Jabodetabek ring backbone network is a fiber optic communication network that is supported by using Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) technology which is able to transmit information with a large capacity and could be implemented properly. However, performance testing and analysis of the performance of the network are needed in order to support the backbone fiber optic network with a distance factor that is quite far away with the DWDM signal drop factor on the receiver side. This research analyzing the comparison of the data obtained in the field (PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia) with the results of the optimization system simulation carried out. Simulation planning uses a speed of 10 Gbps and 50 Ghz channel spacing with a transmission distance of 197 km. Based on the test results of the research results, the power link budget value is -24.43 dBm for simulation results, the value of the rise time budget according to the system performance criteria with a value not exceeding 70 ps, and a minimum value of BER is 1.51x10-18 With an average BER of the entire channel 5.36x10-13 an availability value of 99.97%, it is a good and acceptable result in providing communication services to customers according to the minimum availability tolerance. Keyword : Backbone Network, Optisystem, Sistem Komunikasi Sserat Optik, Power link budget, Rise Time Budget, Availability ,BER, EDFA 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto