Analisis Unjuk Kerja Penggunaan Fiber Bragg Grating Pada Perangkat OADM Menggunakan Teknologi Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Aditya, Arta Permana
T Technology (General) 
2021-09-27 03:53:13 
Abstract :
In the process of sending video, voice and data, it is necessary to increase the transmission capacity on fiber optic media. This additional capacity can be done using DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) technology. One of the devices that uses DWDM technology is OADM (Optical Add Drop Multiplexing). OADM is used to pass signals and perform the add and drop function of data payloads from the transmitter to the transport network. One of the filters that supports the work of OADM is FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating). In implementing a fiber optic communication system using DWDM multiplexing technique, network performance analysis is needed. Based on this, an analysis of the design parameters for the DWDM network will be carried out based on the value of Q factor, Bit Error Rate (BER), and Power Receive, then perform a network comparison performance using FBG on OADM devices using DWDM technology with DWDM without FBG where this network eliminates configuration FBG on OADM devices. In this study, the design of the DWDM link model was carried out using Optisystem software. Using 8 wavelength channels, 100 GHz channel spacing, the use of a Uniform Fiber Bragg Grating filter, the reflectivity value at FBG 99%, and a bitrate of 10 Gbps per channel. The length of the link used as far as 180 km uses 3 EDFA amplifiers with a length of 5m and this study uses variations of the power at the transmitter of 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 dBm. In the research result, DWDM network without FBG is better than DWDM FBG. From the 2 networks, the QFactor value is directly proportional to the BER value. DWDM FBG The results of the QFactor value, there are 3 out of 40 data that are below the standard on channel 2 with a value of 5,641 4 dBm power, 5,396 6 dBm power, and 5,391 8 dBm power. BER values 6.81 × 10-09 power 4 dBm, 2.77 × 10-08 power 6 dBm, and 2.86 × 10-08 power 8 dBm. while DWDM without FBG all 40 value data values are well above the standard and are directly proportional to the amount of power inputted. In DWDM FBG Q-Factor, the value increases in channel 1, and the decrease in channel 2 to channel 8 is caused by attenuation, Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD), and non-linear effects. The relationship between DWDM FBG power variation and Power Receive, the greater the power, the greater the power loss. While the Q-Factor on DWDM without FBG meets the standard value of the 3 parameters. DWDM FBG with a wavelength of 1555.75 nm, the highest Q-Factor result is 21.832, BER is 4.68 × 10-108, and Power Receive is 15.445 dBm. Meanwhile, the DWDM network without the highest Q-Factor FBG is 18.312, BER is 3.10 × 10-75, and Power Receive is 9.584 dBm. Research shows on DWDM without FBG that the greater the power used, the better the system performance, inversely proportional to DWDM using FBG. Keyword : FBG Uniform, OADM, DWDM using FBG, DWDM without FBG 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto