Analisis Pengaruh Dispersi Kromatik Terhadap Serat Optik Single Mode Dan Simulasi Penambahan Dispersion Compensating Fiber Pada Link SEMARANG - SOLO Berdasarkan Jarak Dan Bit Rate
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Muhammad, Iguh Pambudi
T Technology (General) 
2021-09-27 07:13:27 
Abstract :
System communication on 2021, already uses the standard fiber optic technology for single modes, where the optic fiber is concerned with the chromatic dispersion. The dispersion causes a pulse dispersion at the tip of the fiber optic, it causes an increase in BER and Q-factor, so that the link to the fiber optic becomes faulty. BER and Q-factor values to poor can be overcome by adding compensation it’s Dispersion Compensating Fiber (DCF), that addresses those values well. Adding Dispersion Compensating Fiber (DCF) via simulation using the optisystem at a bit rate of 5 Gbps and 10 Gbps at 20, 40, and 60 km. By using a postcompensation schematic, which the Dispersion Compensating Fiber (DCF) is placed after single mode fiber optic. The Power that is used is 10 dBm and wavelength uses 8 canals, with a space link of 100 GHz. The DCF cable used for a distanced of 20 km is 2, 44 km, for a distance of 40 km is 4, 89 km and for a distance of 60 km is 7, 43 km. The dispersion chromatic count is 302, 40534 ps/nm, the BER value is 7, 2 x 10-10 before the addition DCF and after the addition DCF is 4, 03 x 10-18, whereas Q-factor value before addition DCF is 9, 05 and after addition DCF is 8, 60, after that compared to that ITU – T standard. Where for the dispersion chromatic value, it has the ITU – T standard is 1880 ps/nm and BER value is 10-9, as for Q-factor value has to be bigger than 6 (> 6). From this research it can be concluded that the using the DCF post – compensation scheme has a better without using the DCF post – compensation scheme. Keywords: Dispersion, BER, Q – factor, Compensator, Optisystem, ITU-T 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto