Analisi Unjuk Kerja TCP Wnindow Size 54K Menggunakan Algoritma TCP NEW RENO Pada Jaringan Wired Dan Wireles
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Salman, .
T Technology (General) 
2021-09-27 07:46:53 
Abstract :
Network congestion is a serious problem in internet networks that can cause an increase in the number of packet loss. Congestion can also become a burden on the network so that it can slow down the connection if not handled properly, and can even cause paralysis in the network. The Transport Control Protocol (TCP) provides a reliable data transfer mechanism, so that the data streams that are read by the TCP receiver are not damaged, without duplication, and sequential. In this study, the authors simulated using TCP Window Size 64K with the New Reno TCP Algorithm on Wired Fast Ethernet and Wireless 802.11n. This study conducted a simulation to solve the congestion on wired and wireless networks and then compared the results of the Quality of Service (QoS) parameters tested, including throughput, delay, jitter, and packet loss. The simulation process of this research uses Riverbed Software as a simulator to design and find the QoS parameter values on wired and wireless networks. The results of this study indicate that the resulting throughput and delay on the Wireless 802.11n network has better performance than Wired Fast Ethernet with a throughput value of 13050.6 bits/sec and a delay value of 0.000253344 sec. The Wired Fast Ethernet network has better jitter and packet loss performance than Wireless 802.11n with a jitter value of 0.0000000000003 sec and a packet loss value of 0%. Keywords : Wired Fast Ethernet, Wireless 802.11n, TCP Window Size 64K, TCP New Reno, QoS 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto