Analisis Perbandingan Performansi Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Snort Dan Suricata Dalam Mendeteksi Serangan Jaringan Pada Komputer
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Deara, Dwi Rahmadani
T Technology (General) 
2021-09-28 02:33:27 
Abstract :
Security is an aspect that must be maintained in a computer network system. By maintaining a network security on the computer, it will avoid losses that will be caused by attacks that try to enter the network. Intrusion Detection System is a solution to maintain the security of the network. Intrusion Detection System acts as a warning of the threat of attack on the network. Intrusion Detection System will detect suspicious activities that try to enter. In its implementation, there are several tools for implementing the IDS system. In this study, a comparison will be made between the performance of Snort and Suricata as an open source IDS tool. In testing, an attack is needed to test Snort and Suricata in detecting an attack that tries to enter the network. The attacks that will be used as tests are Port Scanning and DOS (Denial of Service) attacks. To test the performance of these two IDS tools, the authors use the QOS (Quality of Service) method where the parameters used are throughput, jitter, delay and packet loss. Based on the comparison of QOS Snort and Suricata on port scanning attacks, Suricata is better based on the resulting throughput and delay values compared to Snort. However, in terms of jitter parameters, Snort is better than Suricata. Based on the comparison with the UDP flooding attack trial, Suricata is better based on the resulting throughput and jitter values compared to Snort. However, in terms of delay parameters Snort is better. Based on the SYN flooding attack trial, Suricata is better based on the packet loss value and the resulting delay value compared to Snort. However, in terms of throughput and jitter parameters Snort is better than Suricata. Key Words : Intrusion Detection System, Snort, Suricata, port scanning, Denial of Service, Quality of Service 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto