Analisis Kinerja Kanal MMWAVE 28 Ghz Menggunakan CP-OFDM QPSK Di Bawah Pengaruh Tekanan Udara Di Kota WONOSOBO
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Resi, Amalia Utami
T Technology (General) 
2021-09-28 04:05:41 
Abstract :
To implement the fifth-generation mobile communication (5G) optimally in Indonesia, the parameters of 5G mmWave should be designed match with the Indonesia 5G mmWave channel. This research conduct design and simulation 5G mmWave channel models to determine performance system. The channel model is obtained based on the representative value of Power Delay Profile (PDP) use of 28 GHz frequency including the 5G frequency which is able to meet the needs of wide bandwidth and data transmission up to 1 Gbps. Bandwidth used for 200 MHz under barometric pressure effect maximum and minimum using environment parameters based on the city of Wonosobo. The expected output is a representative PDP which is then analyzed to obtain an outage probability theory. The obtained outage performance of 5G mmWave city of Wonosobo channel models are validated using Frame Error Rate (FER) and Bit Error Rate (BER) performance of Cyclic-Prefix Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (CP-OFDM). The results in this study are a comparison of the 5G channel model and the outage probability of 10-4 and Eb/N0 of 0 - 30 dB, with a barometric pressure effect maximum of 947,4 mbar and barometric pressure effect minimum of 943,9 mbar, then Eb/N0 needed in a row for the code rate (R) ½ of 15,073 dB and 15,088 dB, for R = ¾ of 16,122 dB and 16,355 dB, for R = 1 of 17,523 dB and 17,495 dB. It can be concluded that conditions with the barometric pressure effect can reduce the performance of the communication system at 5G mmWave. The next result is validity of FER and BER which shows the magnitude of the error during transmission of 0.1102 at barometric pressure effect maximum and 0.1107 at barometric pressure effect minimum. The magnitude of the bit error is 8.44x10-4 in the BER of the Rayleigh fading theory, while the barometric pressure effect maximum is 9.23x10-4 and the barometric pressure effect minimum is 9.35x10-4 . Keywords: 5G mmWave, Channel Model, Outage Performance, FER, BER 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto