Rancang Bangun Sistem Pendeteksi Lokasi Anak Menggunakan Teknologi Long Range (LORA)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Nadya, Zakia Fitria
T Technology (General) 
2021-09-28 04:38:58 
Abstract :
There are many preventive forms in overcoming crime in children, with technology to help facilitate human life, many innovations have been made to help children avoid crimes committed by irresponsible persons. With the known facts that the location of child crime actually occurs in the neighborhood where parents live, parental supervision becomes an important role in providing security and safety for a child. By knowing the distance of the child's location while playing, parents can supervise and monitor their child. Research result using Lora technology, in its implementation, can perform location detection with an average difference of 2,68 meters in NLOS conditions and 1,90 meters in LOS conditions. Find Me! Able to receive location data of the sending device, and provide warning notifications, if the sending device is pressed on the button. Obtained the RSSI value in the NLOS condition -74.23 dBm, and -73.27 dBm in the LOS condition. While the SNR value in the NLOS condition was -2.42 dB and the LOS value was -4.62 dB. Furthermore, the delay value received by the receiving device in NLOS conditions is 6 seconds, a difference of 2 seconds in the delay in LOS conditions which is only 4 seconds in average. Keywords: GPS, location of children, Lora 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto