Coverage Planning 5G New Radio Pada Frekuensi 2.3 GHZ Dengan Skema Outdoor-To-Outdoor Line Of Sight Di Kota SEMARANG
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Bakhtiar, Wibisono
T Technology (General) 
2021-10-15 07:06:41 
Abstract :
The increase in customer data services in Indonesia in 2021 increased by 49% which made the quality of cellular services unable to handle the increase. Therefore, in this research, a 2.3 GHz 5G New radio (NR) network coverage area was planned using Atoll 3.4.0 Software in Semarang City with an area of 373.7 km2 with the aim of knowing how the maximum permissible loss value (MAPL) is. signal strength (SS-RSRP), and signal quality (SS-SINR). The method used is the Urban Macro (UMa) propagation model based on the 3GPP TR 38.901 standard, and uses 2 scenarios for uplink and downlink conditions, each using an Outdoor-to-outdoor (O2O) Line of sight scheme. From the simulation in Atoll 3.4, scenario 1 results in an average value of SS-RSRP of -87.82 dBm, this value is included in the "Good" category and for SS-SINR of 7.33 dB, this value is included in the "Normal" category. ” for SS-SINR values. Meanwhile for scenario 2, the average value of SSRSRP is -91.37 dBm, this value is included in the "Normal" category and for the average SS-SINR value of 7.96 dB, it is included in the "Normal" category for the value of SS-SINR. Keywords: 5G Network Planning, Coverage area, 2.3 GHz Frequency, 5G Link budget 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto