Prototipe Pemantau Dan Pemilah Sampah Organik Dan Non Organik Berbasis LORA Untuk Memudahkan Petugas Kebersihan
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Indah, Dwi Septianti
T Technology (General) 
2021-10-15 07:06:33 
Abstract :
Garbage is one of the problems that are often faced by various countries, especially Indonesian. According to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) in 2020 the total national waste production has reached 67.8 million tons. In people's lives, it is often found that the sorting of organic and non-organic waste is still done manually and monitoring of the condition of the trash in some places is still done through routine scheduling made by the cleaning staff. With the internet of things technology, it is expected to minimize the waste problem. In this study, it consists of an end device consisting of a capacitive proximity sensor to detect the value of the Analog to Digital Converter for waste objects, a servo motor to drive waste sorting and using 2 ultrasonic sensors to get the value of the height of the waste. The test results on the accuracy of the ultrasonic sensor have an error percentage of 0%. In this study, the LoRa QOS (Quality of Service) test obtained the average throughput in conditions without barriers or LOS (Line of Sight) which was 1170,00 bps and conditions with obstructions or NLOS (Non Line of Sight) namely 864,00 bps , the average value of packet loss under LOS conditions is 26% with a value of 32% for NLOS conditions, the average value of Delay in LOS conditions is 117,746 ms and NLOS conditions with a value of 84,863 ms, the average value of RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) in the LOS state, which is -111 dBm and in the NLOS condition, it is -115 dBm, and the average value of SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) in the LOS state is -5,38 dB and the value is -8,00 dB in the NLOS state. Keywords: Waste Monitoring, Waste Sorting, Ultrasonic Sensors, LoRa, QoS 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto