Implementasi logika fuzzy dan naive bayes untuk mengatur perilaku non playable character musuh dalam game RPG edukasi matematika dasar
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Bagus, Rachmad Hartanto Prabowo
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-23 04:59:24 
Abstract :
At the time of present elementary school students already have to understand the lessons of mathematics in general. On the process of learning mathematics elementary school students, the necessary impetus or motivation is high so that students are not daunted. One way to get them interested in math, i.e. making a game into a medium of learning math. This research aims to create an educational game with basic math lessons added lift, subtraction, multiplication dan division of the game called KALIBATAKU. Game KALIBATAKU genre Role Playing Game (RPG), advanture dan education. To resolve the problem is regulating the behaviour of a non playable Character (NPC) enemies used 2 algorithms. Keywords: Mathematics, Education games, Fuzzy Sugeno, Naive Bayes, Kalibataku 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto