Aplikasi Smart Tourism Kabupaten Pemalang Menggunakan Metode Scrum
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Fajar, Nur Rohman
T Technology (General) 
2022-07-25 06:41:39 
Abstract :
The very rapid development of technology has brought changes to life. One of the sectors that is developing in technological development is tourism. The use of technology can increase the number of tourists by marketing an area or tourist attraction using digital media. Pemalang Regency has the potential for natural tourism, cultural tourism, religious tourism and artificial tourism which is managed by the Pemalang Regency Youth and Sports Office. However, there are still many tours in Pemalang Regency that are not well known to the public and the management of tourism is not optimal by the Pemalang Regency Tourism Office as well as the lack of use of information and communication technology in increasing the dissemination of information and tourism experiences for tourists. Based on this, the development of a smart tourism application in Pemalang Regency was carried out using the Agile Scrum model method. The Agile method is a short-term system development method that requires developers to quickly adapt to various changes. Focus on quality results and processes creates products that are released faster. Scrum is a framework used to develop, deliver, and manage complex products. The advantage of Scrum is that it can handle high complexity situations that increase complexity every day. The results of this research are in the form of a tourism application which is expected to be used and utilized by the wider community to get to know more about tourism in Pemalang Regency and become recommendation material for the Pemalang Regency Tourism Office. Keywords: Applications, Android, Tourism, Smart Tourism, Agile, Scrum 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto