Pengembangan Sistem Presensi Karyawan Cabang PT. Rambut Hanmi Purbalingga Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Waterfall
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Mendi, Nuroyan
T Technology (General) 
2021-11-18 05:24:49 
Abstract :
Employee attendance is an important activity carried out by employees on a job, this is because attendance is related to the productivity of the employee, besides that employee attendance is also commonly used by a company to make it easier to pay employee salaries. Attendance is divided into 2 types, the first is manual presence and the second is non-manual presence. At the PT. Rambut Hanmi Purbalingga branch, the attendance process still uses manual attendance, namely by using paper. Presence using paper has many drawbacks including data loss, fraud when making attendance, and time to make a presence that is less effective. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a non-manual presence system which is expected to replace the manual attendance system at the PT. Rambut Hanmi Purbalingga branch. In this study, the authors developed a website-based employee attendance system using the waterfall method at the branch of PT. Rambut Hanmi Purbalingga. Website is a medium used to display information using the internet network, while the waterfall method is a systematic method and has successive phases, the phases starting from requirements analysis, design, development, testing, and the last is maintenance. The final result obtained is a website-based attendance system that has the ability to perform attendance, view recaps and attendance history of each employee. The testing process is carried out using the black box and white box methods and the conclusion of the presence system development at the PT. Rambut Hanmi Purbalingga branch is that the system can run smoothly using the waterfall method. Keywords: Employee attendance, types of attendance, website, waterfall method 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto