Simulasi Dan Analisa Unjuk Kerja Visible Light Communication (VLC) Berdasarkan Perbedaan Warna Cahaya LED
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Abdul, Hamim Tohari
T Technology (General) 
2021-11-18 08:04:06 
Abstract :
Apart from being a lighting medium, LED lights can be used to communicate. The communication system used is electromagnetic waves with a visible light spectrum or can be called visible light communication (VLC). VLC uses 3 LED colors that are set to different wavelengths to provide information over the free air channel. The colors used are red, green and blue using a wavelength of 450 nm in blue, 500 nm in green and 650 nm in red. This research uses simulation method using optisystem 18.0 application. This study will also determine the performance of VLC based on LED color differences. The results of the data obtained using the Optisystem 18.0 software show that the wavelength of 650 nm is the farthest distance compared to other wavelengths, and for the room angle at an angle of 90 ° is the best angle compared to other angles. In this study, the best performance against VLC based on this LED light comparison is in accordance with the ITU-T standard, namely the wavelength of 650 nm with an angle of 30° with a BER value of 8.54x10-21 and then for a Q-factor value of 9.2042 with a maximum distance of 21 meters. Keywords: VLC, LED, Laser, Q-Factor, BER. 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto