Analisis Pengaruh Solar Eclipse Dan Orbit Satelit Terhadap Dod Baterai Dan Link Komunikasi Bogor – Surabaya Pada Satelit Telkom 3S
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Khansa, Nabilah
T Technology (General) 
2021-11-19 07:27:22 
Abstract :
Communication satellites have several factors that can affect their performance. One of them is the battery performance on the satellite. When a solar eclipse occurs, the satellite's position will be blocked from sunlight, so it can cause the satellite power supply that should rely on sunlight to switch to using batteries. However, excessive battery usage can affect the lifetime of the satellite. This study aims to determine the effect of solar eclipse on battery performance on the Telkom 3S satellite using the depth of discharge parameter, as well as analysis of the satellite orbit to determine the solar eclipse period based on the maximum duration and number of days it occurs. The results obtained, the solar eclipse in March and September 2020 has a maximum depth of discharge percentage of 39.37% in March While the value of the calculation of the satellite orbit of the solar eclipse period produces an accuracy that corresponds to a maximum duration of 1.19 hours in 22.04 days, even though the number of days for the solar eclipse to occur exceeds the reference duration and the prediction calculation. In addition, solar eclipse makes the C/N value generated under normal conditions of 15.56 dB decrease to 13.21 dB, so that the resulting Eb/No value is 9.28 dB and the final BER is 8.63x106, compared under normal conditions with Eb/No 11.62 dB and the final result BER 7.43x10-7. Keywords: Solar eclipse, Telkom 3S Satellite, Battery Performance, Depth of Discharge 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto