Analisis Digital Forensic Dalam Browser Dengan Metode Live Dan Static Forensic (Studi Kasus : Pencarian Akun Pada Website & Browser)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Anas, Piasto Mukti
T Technology (General) 
2021-11-19 08:16:01 
Abstract :
One application that is widely used by computer users is the web browser application, where users do activities such as downloading files, browsing on the internet, and using social media, to entering large websites such as Gmail, Facebook and others. Many crimes are committed in the digital world, one of which is attacks on email accounts, spam, pishing and so on. In analyzing these crimes, investigators must analyze the activities of users by examining web browser records, especially those involving crimes involving Universal Resource Locator (URL) entry, browser type, access times, files downloaded, login times, search words, etc. -other. The data obtained from the results of the investigation are then reported in the test report. User history records are stored in the web browser and also on storage media, such as hard drives and Random Access Memory (RAM). Investigations on a web browser can be carried out using live forensic techniques, while on storage media can be done using static forensic techniques. This study combines the two techniques (Live and static forensic), namely using the WireShark, Proxy, Xenarmor tool for live forensics and non-launcher, Xenarmor, smartsniff, for static forensics. The results show that the email username and password can be seen if the user accesses an insecure site. Conversely, if the site is accessed securely, the username and password data will not be detected. Keywords: web browser, digital forensic, live forensic, dead forensic 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto