Sistem Monitoring Energi Listrik Pada Rumah Berbasis Internet Of Things (IOT)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Sigit, Setya Budi
T Technology (General) 
2021-12-07 03:26:35 
Abstract :
Electric power is a very vital need in everyday life either for personal interest or in the community. And also electricity is needed for large or small industries, offices, shops and others. Due to the limited amount of energy available and inversely proportional to the need, PT. PLN as a provider of electrical energy is very dependent on fuel oil, because of this factor the price of electrical energy is increasingly soaring. This study designs an electrical energy monitoring system that will be used by users to find out what electronic equipment can result in wasting electrical energy. In the design of this tool, the PZEM-004T sensor will be used to measure every load point on household appliances that have the potential to cause waste of electrical energy, NodeMCU is used for voltage, current, power and cost data processing units which will later be displayed on the LCD and android application. The accuracy of the PZEM-004T sensor is 1.0 Grade, and the operating frequency is in the 45-65Hz range. From the test results, it can be concluded that the tool made works well, namely the PZEM-004T sensor can display the value of Voltage, Current, Power and Cost which is then sent to the NodeMCU, then NodeMcu sends it to google firebase as a database. Furthermore, firebase displays the android application in the form of data whose value is known. The results of the test of sending data from the NodeMCU to the smartphone the difference is very small, because the unstable source voltage at any time also affects the tests carried out. For the delay in sending from NodeMCU to smartphone an average of 1.695 seconds if the quality of a good internet network is also very influential in every stage of testing carried out. Keywords: Electrical Energy, PZEM 004T sensor, NodeMCU ESP8266, Firebase, Android Application. 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto