Rancang Bangun Sistem Irigasi Tetes Menggunakan Sensor Kelembaban Tanah Dan Network Time Protocol (NTP) Berbasis Internet Of Things (IOT)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Ibnu, Aulia Azam
T Technology (General) 
2021-12-07 03:45:12 
Abstract :
Rancang Bangun Sistem Irigasi Tetes Menggunakan Sensor Kelembaban Tanah Dan Network Time Protocol The irrigation system is an important factor in the success of a plant. Irrigation plays a role in providing nutrients to plants in the form of water. While a good irrigation pattern is a determinant for the success of harvesting plants. As technology develops, the agricultural world does not escape the benefits generated by technology. Technology offers ease and accuracy in terms of work. Especially when it comes to telecommunication technology, which allows someone to remotely control a protocol or system. Communication technology is of course very much needed in the agricultural world, considering that farmers no longer need to come to the fields to control how the irrigation system works. Therefore, in this study, the author made a drip irrigation system based on the Internet of Things (IoT). The drip irrigation system was chosen because of the way it works, which is accurate, i.e. irrigating just above the root area of the plant. While IoT can function as a system that has the ability so that users can control and monitor irrigation systems without the need to be in the fields with the internet. This irrigation system works based on the Network Time Protocol (NTP) and soil moisture sensors. NTP itself acts as a timer which is a reference so that irrigation can only be done twice a day, in the morning and evening. While the soil moisture sensor acts as an indication that water will flow from the pump if the soil is dry and the water will stop flowing if the soil is wet enough. This IoT system uses an android application as a tool for monitoring the irrigation system. In a device that has been made water will start watering the plants when the NTP has entered the watering time and the soil moisture value is below 50%, then the pump will stop watering when the soil moisture value is more than or equal to 50%. In sensor testing, the accuracy of the sensor readings is obtained by using a comparison in the form of a soil moisture meter, namely a soil meter. While testing on all modules can work well and work according to its function. Keywords: Irrigation system, drip irrigation system, Internet of Things, IoT, NTP. (NTP) Berbasis Internet Of Things (IOT) 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto