Perancangan Jaringan Radio Gelombang Mikro Antar Pulau Menggunakan Space Diversity Pada Link Wagola – Wanci Wakatobi
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Sanjip, Rozak Gutama
T Technology (General) 
2021-12-07 04:09:11 
Abstract :
Microwave communication systems are widely implemented as backhaul cellular networks, because they have advantages in simplicity of installation and can reach remote areas that are difficult to reach by fiber optics. The Wagola Site and the Wanci Wakatobi Site are located on two different islands, so they do not support wireline communication. In this study using real site data from PT Alita Praya Mitra, from this data a point to point microwave radio network design was carried out using Pathloss 5.0 software. Then optimization using space diversity technique with main antenna spacing and antenna diversity of 2,9 m, 5,6 m and 8,3 m. From the results of the design using Pathloss 5.0, the availability value is 99,95398%. After optimization using space diversity with a space of 2,9 m, 5,62 m and 8,3 m, the best availability results were obtained with a value of 99,99956%, using a maximum space of 8,3m (200λ). It can be concluded that the design of a microwave network using space diversity has an availability value above the threshold based on the ITU-R G.827 and F.1703 standards. Keywords : Microwave, Pathloss 5.0, Space Diversity, Availability 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto