Rancang Bangun Monitoring Kekeruhan Air Dan Kontroling Pakan Ikan Pada Akuarium Menggunakan Nodemcu ESP 32 Berbasis Internet Of Thing (IOT)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Farhan, Ario Pamungkas
T Technology (General) 
2021-12-07 04:29:10 
Abstract :
Current technological advances make it easier to communicate with each other, exchange information between information sources and users or information seekers who use facilities from the internet. Especially in the electronics field, which is now starting to enter the phase or generation of IoT. Turbidity of water has a negative impact on fish and plants in the aquarium, namely fish can die because of the turbid water in the aquarium. Intensive monitoring that needs to be done is water turbidity, and feeding. The method used in writing this final project is experimental, by testing the turbidity sensor that is inserted into clear water. So it is necessary to develop an aquarium in terms of measuring water turbidity and feeding automatically based on a microcontroller, where water measurement is based on the level of water turbidity. This research resulted in a device made of two control systems, namely a water turbidity system using a turbidity sensor to read turbidity and a feeding system using a servo motor system. Water that is said to be clear has a turbidity threshold of 0 NTU to 5 NTU. From the results of experiments that have been carried out, the turbidity value for aqua water is 0.46, tea water is 1.14, coffee water is 1 sachet 6.72 and milk is 1 sachet 19.51. Keyword: Turbidity, Fish feed, Internet of Thing (IoT) 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto