Analisis Pengaruh Warna Led Pada Implementasi Sistem Komunikasi Wireless Berbasis Visible Light Communication (VLC)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Koko, Kurniawan
T Technology (General) 
2021-12-07 04:57:11 
Abstract :
The development of information and communication technology is currently so fast. One of them is LED-based house lights which will not only be used as lighting, but also for communication media, LED light is used for the use of Visible Light Communication as text-based delivery. Light Fidelity (LiFi) as a communication technology without wires (wireless), two-way communication that utilizes visible light to communicate. LiFi technology uses a visible light communication system called Visible Light Communication (VLC), which transmits or receives information and data using visible light in the spectrum between 780 nm – 375 nm (400 THz and 800 THz). The Visible Light Communication (VLC) communication system can make it possible to transmit text-based data by converting digital data into analog data in the form of light emitted by LEDs and will be received by the solar cell receiving device, which will then be converted into digital data again by the Arduino Uno microprocessor. The result of this research is that it can send data in the form of text and binary numbers through the transmitter device to the receiver device using the Visible Light Communication (VLC) system. The test parameter is that the transmission distance can reach 60 cm for white and yellow LEDs, while for blue LEDs, it only reaches 40 cm for data transmission. In addition, there are Quality of Service (QoS) parameters in the form of throughput values with the most optimal conditions obtained in conditions without external light interference when sending 27758 bytes of data with a value of 9.36 kbps and the lowest value in sending data of 3556 bytes worth 0.47 kbps. Produces the average throughput value obtained from 64 measurements worth 1.62 kbps. Keywords: LiFi, VLC, LED, solar cell, throughput 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto