Prototype Penyiraman Otomatis Pada Tanaman Cabai Dan Tomat Berbasis Internet Of Things
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Syafri, Parulian Ibrahim
T Technology (General) 
2021-12-08 02:47:28 
Abstract :
Watering is something that cannot be released in maintaining and caring for plants so that plants continue to thrive. Adequate water requirements greatly affect plant growth. Examples such as chili and tomato plants that require special attention, because if these plants do not get good conditions then the plants cannot thrive, it will even have a fatal impact on the plant. Based on these problems, a prototype of automatic watering for Chili and Tomato plants based on the Internet of Things was designed that utilizes ESP8266 and Arduino UNO as a link to the Blynk application. With the Blynk application, plant owners can water plants automatically according to the needs of the soil through a Smartphone. The system works using the ESP8266 and Arduino UNO which includes a Soil Mosture Sensor, relay, and water pump which will be connected to the Blynk application. To use the Blynk application, of course, the user must be connected to the internet first because later this automatic watering system is able to provide a notification that will appear on the Smartphone when the soil moisture sensor detects dry soil conditions or when the soil is moist. From the results of testing the system, the results obtained are in accordance with the author's expectations. The Soil Mosture sensor and relay can work well, the water pump also works well so that the pump is able to start when the soil is dry and stop when the soil is moist (at 60%-80% humidity level).. The system can also send notifications through the Blynk application on the user's Smartphone, which results in the conclusion that the system works in real time and must be connected to the internet network. Keywords: automatic watering, plants, chili, tomatoes, Blynk, Smartphone, ESP8266, Arduino UNO 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto