Analisis Keamanan Aplikasi Lumpang Menggunakan Framework OWASP 10 (Study Kasus PT. Lumpang Sejahtera Indonesia)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Paramasasanka, sankala Radhiva
T Technology (General) 
2022-06-16 06:15:02 
Abstract :
the rapid development of technology also affects the way individuals, organizations and business people carry out the process of sending information, processing transactions. PT. Lumpang Sejahtera Indonesia is an e-commarce company where the lumpang applications is a product. Starting from an e-commerce website, namely where this e-commerce website belongs to the lower middle class e-commerce. As time goes by, this lumbungpangan website will no longe be used because there an increasing number for users, transactions, products, digitalizations of the marketing business and additional features where the system support mobile applications only. Finally the lumbung pangan website was not used and migrated to a mobile application. When migrating on to an application, the lumpang application has never been done. Application security analysis with the OWASP 10 framework. To find out how vulnerable an application is to external attacks, it is necessary to carry out a penetration teting process, where in penetration testing there is a planning and preparation process, penetration testing and reporting. To perform a security vulnerability on the mortart application using the santoku linux operating system using tools, dex2jar, JD-GUI, wireshark. The results of the 10 provisions of OWASP top 10 mobile there are 3 weaknesses, namely the use of onapporprivate platforms, Reverse Enginering, Insufficient Cryptography. Keywords : Security, Applications, Penetration Testing, OWASP, Santoko Linux. 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto