Implementasi Teknologi Augmented Reality Pada Game Edukasi Pengenalan Hewan Dengan Metode Iterative Rapid Paper Prototype
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Dilla, Febria Elisty
T Technology (General) 
2021-12-10 04:36:15 
Abstract :
The period in early childhood growth is the "golden age", where they begin to understand everything in their environment. Each child's growth is different, can develop quickly or slowly depending on the role of parents and the surrounding environment. Based on the results of the interview survey to 15 respondents, they agreed that today's children are already playing gadgets, this can cause a negative impact if children play games that are not according to their age. From the results of interviews, it was found that children often play gadgets and play applications that are not appropriate for their age; this causes a lack of contribution to the role of parents in educating children. Based on these problems, a solution was found to create an interesting and fun educational game application. By utilizing educational games as learning media, children can train and hone children's intelligence in a game that educates and combines technology that is developing rapidly today, namely Augmented Reality (AR) technology. By utilizing AR technology and supported by animation, images and sounds can attract children's interest in learning. The impact of the test results that have been carried out through pre-test, post-test, and Usability that has been played by correspondents shows that children are interested in learning to know animals with the ARZoo application and make children's learning outcomes increase. The results obtained during the pre-test got an average of 48 compared to the results of the post-test got an average of 97.333 got an increasing result. In the results of the Usability test, the percentage of 94.67% shows that the ARZoo application is fun and very suitable for use by users as an effective and efficient learning medium and of course interesting. Keyword: Augmented Reality, Educational Game, Animal Games, Iterative Rapid Paper Prototype, 3D 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto