Pengembangan Aplikasi Augmented Reality Dan Videoplayback Sebagai Media Promosi Kuliner Pada UMKM
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Parwita, Putri Hardianto
T Technology (General) 
2021-12-10 06:07:15 
Abstract :
Online sales are mostly done by today's traders, especially those who do not have their own outlets. Basically, online sales are considered more efficient and do not spend much more, other than spending on purchasing materials as the main ingredients for the products to be sold. Therefore, as time goes by, many technologies are now developing, online ordering social media is widely used by traders, to be better known by the public for the products they sell. It can also be achieved via online chat with the app. Online selling is like that, anyone who uses it can feel and it's very easy. The products to be sold are only distributed from smartphones, which makes it easier for most MSMEs who are still classified as selling only in the surrounding area and have not yet reached outside the city. @Nyuwil_ is a business selling products in the form of food, with various types of bread, food, and drinks. Augmented Reality applications with other software, namely Unity, Vuforia, Android, Marker Based Tracking and Vegas Pro along with video playback methods that will make it easier for users to use them easily and efficiently. Users can use the application anywhere and access it using a smartphone by scanning the product and then 3D / Videoplayback appears which has been provided with a database to provide program code via Vuforia. Keywords: Android, Marker Based Tracking, Unity, Vegas Pro, Vuforia, Waterfall 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto